Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Redoubtable Mr. G

...And all the Multiverse's children say...
Happy Birthday!

These are Big Times in the Gouker/O'Reilly connection, first the holidays and now the birthdays. Someone to celebrate in January, February and March.
Last night we went to The Outback SteakHouse and ate the biggest steaks we could find in honor of Mr. January's 33rd
This is what my daughter brought home to me about 10 years ago and in her sweet childish voice said 'This is my man, Mom.'
Like any good mother from New York, deep in my heart I muttered 'Oy Vey.' But time has told its story and another in a long line of strong, gentle men was added to the family.
May your beard grow ever longer, Mr.G.

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