The Pool Shark is here just because it made me laugh this morning.
Anxiety and Thought are what I'm actually doing but keep in mind that I'm much better at anxiety.
Here's what you learn when you begin to write a book.
1. That you really can't spell.
2. That you really don't know the correct meaning of a lot of words.
3. That the world has changed since you last took a geography class--(1958, I'm thinking).
4. That if you're going to write mystery/romance these days (or ANY days) you can't skip the sex.
4A. If you're going to write sex you're going to have to:
1. Have a panic attack.
2. Try to remember some.
3. Get the thesaurus back out because there MUST be more than one way to say THAT.
5. That there really is more than one person living inside your head.
1. Some of them are male.
2. Writing biographies for them is the only way to go--it works. But...
3. Some of them just jump into your head fully blown and take over--damn them!
a. these are your best characters.
b. talk to them.
c. they will tell you things.
d. some things will be helpful.
e. don't believe everything you hear.
OK, that's enough bizarre for now.
More tomorrow.
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