Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Magnificent Bitches Are Filled With Love!

The Magnificent Bitch Sisters love Dennis Kucinich from his top to his toes!


I've been rooting for this man since before the election in 2004. I refuse to shuffle off this mortal coil until Dennis Kucinich is elected President. So, anybody out there that's sick of my big mouth has two choices:

A) Meet me for a no rules, no holds barred, down-and dirty 'Death Match-2008' (which I WILL win , 'cause I got 'tude to spare) or:

B) Start sporting a Kucinich for President 2012 lapel button, bumper sticker, tee shirt, hat, umbrella, tattoo, coffee mug, pichfork, runcible spoon or any other accoutrements you can devise. I'm going to do it. My little donkey has never borne a politcal message, (except that she's a nine-year old, 4-cylinder, gas sipper in a Brave New World filled with SUV's) but she's going to wear one now. I think she'd prefer the button over the bumper sticker, but she'll have to take what she can get. And if it's a button, it's going to be a BIG button.

I'm going to look for one right now.

- Abba Dabba

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