.....It's NEVER lupus! In my case, it's old age and pig-headedness. It seems that my 'banishment' from Blogger wasn't anybody's fault but my own. I persisted in logging on with the wrong name. Woe is me. I am a feeb.
From MoDo's column in the NYTimes today; (Jean) “Houston felt at one point that being Hillary was like being Mozart with his hands cut off, unable to play,” Bob Woodward wrote. “She felt that the first lady was going through a female crucifixion.” I just don't buy this. Clinton could very well have won in the Democratic primaries if she hadn't pissed people off (like ME, for instance) by enabling Bush to start the second (oops, third) Hundred Years War and to pick apart the Constitution all at the same time. She has the confidence, toughness and grit needed to be President. What she doesn't have (seemingly) is any perception that we're engaged in an unlawful and immoral war, or that our personal liberties, which we all shamefully took for granted, have been trodden and spat upon. I don't know if I've got this quote right but "is life so dear, is peace so sweet, as to be bought at the price of chains and slavery?" She should have demanded that we give diplomacy a chance before letting the NeoCons frighten us into craven submission. She should have forcefully opposed any legislation that allowed the empowered to tap our phones, read our mail and suspend our civil rights in the name of 'Homeland Security'! THAT would have been the gutsy course. THAT would have proven that she had as much testosterone as the boys. That's why I would have voted for her.
Will she be VP? That was a lovely speech she gave, throwing her support behind Obama. Maybe it would be smart of him to bring her aboard. (I'm not advocating that he do that, I'm only speculating that it might swing him enough votes to win in November.) John McCain has an advantage in that he would bring more to the Presidency, as he suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder. (Three! Three! Three Presidents in One!)
I ordered fifteen books from Amazon the other day. Am I insane? I can't even remember which ones I ordered, although I know that all the mysteries are set in cold, stark and lonely places. Oh, I tell a lie. I did order a new Charles Todd, which is tres anglais, although distant in time, taking place after World War One.
I'm glad to be blogging again. It'll give me something to do during the 5 day heatwave that's been forecast. We're on Day Two now and I'm already really sick of it. I'll have to go out this evening when the sun goes down and try to save some of my plants.
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