State Democrats to take "Sopranos" song out of ad after Italian Club complains
The state Democratic Party said it would change a video about Republican Dino Rossi after the Italian Club of Seattle complained Wednesday that the ad is "racist" and "beyond offensive."
David Postman
Seattle Times chief political reporter
YouTube State Democratic Party's ad
Excerpts from his blog, Postman on Politics
The state Democratic Party said it would change a video about Republican Dino Rossi after the Italian Club of Seattle complained Wednesday that the ad is "racist" and "beyond offensive."
In a letter to Gov. Christine Gregoire, the group said the video, which criticizes Rossi's connections to the Building Industry Association of Washington, "aims to link Italian-American gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi to Italian-American criminals through the use of the theme song to 'The Sopranos.' "http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008017910_apwarossiaddemocrats2ndldwritethru.html
The state Democratic Party said it would change a video about Republican Dino Rossi after the Italian Club of Seattle complained Wednesday that the ad is "racist" and "beyond offensive."
David Postman
Seattle Times chief political reporter
YouTube State Democratic Party's ad
Excerpts from his blog, Postman on Politics
The state Democratic Party said it would change a video about Republican Dino Rossi after the Italian Club of Seattle complained Wednesday that the ad is "racist" and "beyond offensive."
In a letter to Gov. Christine Gregoire, the group said the video, which criticizes Rossi's connections to the Building Industry Association of Washington, "aims to link Italian-American gubernatorial candidate Dino Rossi to Italian-American criminals through the use of the theme song to 'The Sopranos.' "http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008017910_apwarossiaddemocrats2ndldwritethru.html
What idiots!! You know, I am SO glad that I don't belong to a political party. I like being unaffiliated with lunkheads.
Lois Carneiro
I love those Dino Rossi ads. I want to yell at anyone who votes for this 2 time loser: "See?!! See what you voted for??!!!!"
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