But you're right about Hilary. She steamed me bad--she lied and when she didn't lie she shaded the truth. I shade the truth as well but I'm not running for present.
Too bad about the heat wave. It's wet here and the rumor is we're not going to HAVE summer this year. Its been warm for about 5 days---otherwise its been cool and gray and damp and wet.
Isn't it great to be blogging again? I'm going to take lots of pictures this week coming up and post them all. I'm also going to post my hopes for retirement--what I'll do and not do. How I'll keep thinking and learning and not being depressed as the weeks go by. I want to make good use of my retirement. I want to rest and read and take photos and see the kids and lie on Catherine's sofa and have her make me dinner and play with the cat. And I want to avoid getting dull and stupid. Hence the blog.
I can't get stupid when I have Hermana reading my stuff.
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