Saturday, June 23, 2018

Meanwhile, MANY years later...


...and nothing has really changed. since June of 2011. 

That's not true, of course.  In 2016 we elected a cheeseburger to occupy the Oval Office with the expected, yet somehow still astounding consequences.  But that's not the point of this post.

The point is that we old dinosaurs are still managing to keep up.  We haven't lost a step.  (Half a step, maybe.)  We've adapted and we're pretty cagey about avoiding Robo-calls and targeted advertising.  (NEVER answer your phone. Try it.  It works.)

We enjoy being physically active, as long as it's not boring.  We keep finding new books to read, new perspectives to consider, new goodies to savor, and we can still hold our liquor.

I'm proud of us.